3D Laser scanning
We carry out measuring work of any complexity at production facilities using terrestrial laser scanning
Experienced specialists will measure hard-to-reach areas of buildings and structures, which are difficult to measure by standard methods for any reason. The use of terrestrial laser scanning in measurement work is suitable for industrial enterprises during their modernization in the absence of an original documentation and drawings
We will help to determine the actual dimensions and position of building structures and equipment, embed the measurement results in 3D model of the object. The technology allows us to solve the integrating new technological equipment into existing production in the fastest way. Laser scanning in Prague, Czech Republic, and all over Europe.
Advantages of 3d laser scanning
Possibility of carrying out measuring work without stopping production
Work in hard-to-reach areas of the structure
Significant reduction in work time compared to traditional methods
The best way to get data of spatial dimensions of the object
We use laser scanning in:
Measuring of civil or industrial sites
Dimension control of a newly built objects according to their project parameters
Determination of geometrical characteristics of existing pipelines and networks
Calculation of surface areas and volumes of ground
As the result you will get:
Point cloud in color with panoramic view mode
Precise 3D model of a scanned object
Drawings of any part of scanned building: 2d floor plans, facades, roof, cross sections etc.
Report about surface area or volume of measured object